need expert advice house wont sell !!!

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Post by depressed » Tue Jun 17, 2008 5:32 pm
Hi its been a while since i've been on here ,this is my story so far got into heaps of debt was living in a one bedroomed house because couldnt afford to move ,approached mccambridge duffy who have set us up in an iva as in full and final from the sale of our old home (now moved and renting a council house ).
mccambridge duffy have been great and under normal circumstances i wouldnt be worried but our house has been on the market now since november ,so worried .
our iva deadline date is march next yr ,i know its a long way off but i need to sell my house at a certain amount to meet my iva % in the £.
what will happen if our house isnt sold by march ? we are not making monthly contributions to the creditors we simply cant afford it now we have 3 children.
would they make us bankrupt ? worried because my husband works for himself ,if they made us bankrupt would they take his van and lorry ,not expensive vehicles but we'd have no income at all then ,got myself in a right flap over it all ,would they stop him trading ? hes only a one man band but it pays our bills .
any advice ,i really dont know what to do ,i could drop the house price by £10,000 and then cash in my endowment to make up the same amount due to my creditors ,as my endownment was excluded from the arrangement ,please help me if you can ,its getting to the point where we are argueing all the time now about all this[:(].
hopefully one day i can change my name to happy [:D]


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Post by MelanieGiles » Tue Jun 17, 2008 10:15 pm
Why was your endownment policy excluded from your IVA? Were your creditors advised that you have this policy?

If the property has not been sold by the time the IVA is due to conclude, your IP can apply to have it extended and perhaps reduce the offer based on a reduced asking price. You really need to discuss this issue directly with your IP.
Regards, Melanie Giles, Insolvency Practitioner
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