Permanent headache

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Post by freelili » Sat Aug 16, 2008 10:27 pm
Oh Kazzy, dont worry, I guess this wouldnt be a good time to mention kidney stones, then? God knows where they come from.... Anyway, gallstones are not nice, I suffered for years, had loads of appointments to get them out but never attended... in the end I just had to, they are very easily sorted, well in my case anyway. So, get the BP thing sorted. As far as I know, gallstones affect people with high cholesteral or associated diets. Women who have had multiple pregnancies and mainly females. Many people have the blighters with no symptoms but when they get you, you know you've been got. No sense in worrying about something that hasnt got you yet. No sense either in leaving this world with a perfect size 10 body with no energy, shiver all the time, never touch chocolate or like a scarecrow that cant smile. Much better to taste life, (especially chocolate), have fun, embrace others and stay warm. its the spirit that counts, not the vehicle. Slide into the coffin, having had a good time.

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Post by Kazzy E » Sat Aug 16, 2008 10:37 pm
Lily, so true. I learnt a big hard lesson on how to live life when I lost both my parents. Dad, bless him used to worry about everything, always kept healthy, never drank alcohol, but love him, it didn't stop the dreaded big 'C' getting hold of him and taking him from us. I am lucky with cholestrol, as although I carry weight, my cholestrol is a combined figure of 2.9 so thats pretty good for a fattie I think.

I am sure there is a simple solution to my heads, I spend 9 hrs a day at a screen at work, then when I get home, I have to satisfy my forum addiction so that could be another two or three hours a night, so I suppose I max out on the VDU experience. I am quite a healthy bod really, not too many ailments thank goodness and have never had anything nasty (touch wood). Could just do with getting a bit more exercise and shedding a bit more blub, but I am doing ok at the moment I think.

Hope everyone stays healthy and happy... Kazzy x
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Post by Til » Sat Aug 16, 2008 10:38 pm
Not that it's particulalry relevant to thread but I had to have Gallbladder out in late 20's - was (and still is) overweight though [:I]
Have to say with kehole surgery that op was a breeze!!!! Had it done private through work too and the private hospital was like a hotel - they waited on you round the clock and even brought me silver service tea in middle of night! is it wrong to say i enjoyed my stay there!!! ha ha!

Sorry a little off subject but gallstones can get you very young if you are unlucky like me [:(][;)]

Hi Kazzy - my step-mum has sufferred with headaches for years and her BP is fine - think there are so many reasons for headaches it's hard to say but keep nagging the docs till they find something that works ... in meantime you could try homeopathy? Don't know a lot about it but have friends its worked for... there are lots of tips on this website:

Good luck hun xx[:)]
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Post by Kazzy E » Sat Aug 16, 2008 10:40 pm
Thanks for that Til, will take a look. Angel, you could send some of your healing vibes to me if you want to, thank you. Kazzy x
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Post by aguise » Sun Aug 17, 2008 9:13 am
Hubby suffers with daily headaches and has had all the tests, ct everything to check he is ok and no reason has been found. I found as vicki said that when I stoped coffee I started to get them. I think they are down to the fact we work nights and you basically always get up with a thick head and headache and it goes after a while.
Gallstones the saying is fair fat female fertile and 40. It is just more common in this group. I first suffered with mine just after giving birth to my son at the age of 20 and wasnt fat wasnt forty,was fair and am female. Nothing was done then, as they couldnt confirm it, and the pain just went away. I had twinges for the next 20 years and ignored them. I had to have mine removed when I was in my forties , by now was fat, not fertile, not so fair either, and thank heavens still a girl. They havent found a genetic reason but it does tend to run in families and me and mum both had ours removed. Not a bad thing though if done as said by keyhole surgery.
Hope you are feeling better now. Just make sure you have had plenty of water, and your eyes dont need testing, if they continue see the doc just to get checked.

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Post by Kazzy E » Sun Aug 17, 2008 10:21 am
Your post made me smile Ang... as you always do. I am ok, feel a lot better this morning as had a really good sleep. I'll be ok, what will be will be with illnesses, so hope I am ok. Will go to the docs as suggested just to get checked out. Kazzy x
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Post by kallis3 » Sun Aug 17, 2008 10:35 am
It might even just be stress Kazzy. Best to get it checked though.
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Post by Kazzy E » Tue Aug 19, 2008 11:21 pm
Hi Guys, have not had a headache for about 36 hrs now so I'm doing ok. Have booked an appointment with the nurse for a BP check next week and we'll take it from there. Kazzy x
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Post by Viki.W » Tue Aug 19, 2008 11:27 pm
Good luck Kazzy, hopefully no more pain for you. It's funny, I've had a blinding headache all day, just don't know where it's come from, maybe too much time on the computer![:I] X
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Post by Til » Tue Aug 19, 2008 11:27 pm
Hey that's brill Kazzy - glad you're still gonna get checked out though just to be sure xx
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Post by Kazzy E » Wed Aug 20, 2008 7:12 am
Thanks Guys, I'll be ok, but thanks for your concern. I've never been right since I turned 40! [:D] Kazzy x
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