trouble recieving balance holding my proposal up

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Post by MelanieGiles » Fri Dec 21, 2007 11:45 pm
As the owner of the IVA Advice Bureau, can I say how important it is to have validated balances from your creditors. It is well worth taking additional time now to make sure that your IVA is certain, than find out that incorrect information is affecting the amount that you have to pay.

Regards, Melanie Giles, Insolvency Practitioner for over 20 years.

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Regards, Melanie Giles, Insolvency Practitioner


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Post by Lisa2009 » Fri Dec 21, 2007 11:49 pm
Sorry, i also should have said my post was for michelle 'Our Story'

Nil carborundum illegitimi


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Post by aguise » Sat Dec 22, 2007 5:45 am
Hi michelle and welcome to you too.
The same advice as for Andrew. Its all very scary and strange especially when you stop paying the creditors, but it is the norm and everybody goes through it. I had always kept my minimum payments up, though occasionally late. Do as your company says, stay strong but polite if creditors ring, get info back to your company which they need and hopefully it wont be for too long, and believe me life will be so much better having dealt with it.

All the best Ang

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Post by andrewgoodman121 » Sat Dec 22, 2007 12:18 pm
Hi Michelle,
i think that with credit cards and loans it is like being on a long luxurious train journey but as always everything comes to a grinding halt, which is the situation that we both find ourselves in.
My usual way out of this situation would have been to get a consolidation loan and pay all the debts off but there comes a time when you cannot get a loan because of your have too much credit you are maxed out and that train journey has come to a shuddering halt.
You have to face reality, hold up your hands and admit that you have to resolve the problem.
Do you want to pay minimum payments and loans for the next 50 years or go for an IVA and settle your debts with a good IP for 5 years.
I was young and single and like everyone else credit was easy to get ,but boy do i realise it now that i have a family that it was all a MASSIVE!! mistake and has been a huge burden on my life for 15 years paying only minimum payments, working loads of overtime and generally
struggling day to day as i have to face to being not a single spendthrift anymore but a responsible parent.
You have come clean and you are not by anyway the only one in this situation, there are people out there who will end up like us who are on that train which we have now got off and you have my total respect as you are now doing the right thing.

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Post by cat 1 » Sat Dec 22, 2007 12:44 pm
perfect analagy Andrew.I must have been on the same train as you. Happy Christmas. Cat 1


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Post by andrewgoodman121 » Sat Dec 22, 2007 7:13 pm
i will tell you what it feels like when you are having to stop paying your creditors when going for an IVA.
It feels like you have escaped from prison and are free BUT!!! you are worried with fear as you are constantly looking over your shoulder.
I am going through this feeling at the moment and i am worrying when i don't have to worry.
It's a weird feeling as you are so used to paying your creditors just to keep them off your back but your family suffers financially because of it and now that you have Stopped paying them as you are now going for an IVA and have money in your account you feel sick even spending a tenner as you are so used to that way of life for years as you are a prisoner to your creditors and now you have escaped.


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Post by shellk » Sat Dec 22, 2007 8:05 pm
are your family supportive andrew? i just do not know where to start with any process,who to contact for help? admitting the problem is the first step. how long does it take from starting the process to an iva being agreed?



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Post by Martin2011 » Sat Dec 22, 2007 8:23 pm
Hi Shell, if you have all the information you need, balances etc, a good IVA will get your proposal innfront of your creditors between 1&3 months from first contact (experts may correct me, especially as this is a very busy time of the year). That's the most stressful time, particularly as you will be advised to stop paying creditors and may start to receive direct contact from them. If you choose a good IP (many people here would recommend Melanie and her team) they will give you the best advice on how to deal with those contact and indeed, where possible, absorb some of that heat for you. Support, wherever you can get it will be invaluable. Those you're closest to will probably suprise you with their understanding and support and you'll find everyone on here providing support and encouragement every step of the way.

Andrew's analogy of the train is spot on, we've all been on it and it's so fantastic to get off and manager the journey back to somewhere that feels safer and under our control. The saddest thing is that there's plenty of people out there on that train right now, may not even be aware of where they're headed, or may have seen the buffers but not know what to do. You've seen the buffers and made the right decision, and I jujst want to wish you all the luck in the world in getting it all sorted out.

Have a great Christmas,



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Post by shellk » Sat Dec 22, 2007 8:41 pm
thanks so much for your advice. to say i am terrified is an understatement! i am scared of losing all i have, as at present have a joint mortgage with my partner who has bailed me out once before, and i know this is last chance saloon. i contacted cccs who recommended a debt management plan, but that would take me 11 years to clear my debt and am not sure whether thats a good thing...any thoughts???



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Post by Martin2011 » Sat Dec 22, 2007 9:37 pm
Hi Shell, I really do understand the fear, I think everybody here has been there, but it does ease off once you have things under control. I don't know enough about DMP's to advise I'm afraid...didn't really know enough about IVA's till I discovered this site, and that was 20 months after I entered mine...... One of the experts will be along to advise I'm sure, but all I can say is, everyone's situation is different, the exaxt details of your debt, income, assets etc will make a significant difference as to your best way forward. I'd seek advice widely to establish the facts so that you are able to make an informed choice - whatever you decide to do, you have done the gardest part alrteady, recognising the problem and tryiong to find a way forward. For that, you deserve to give yourself a big ol pat on the back....


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Post by Adam Davies » Sun Dec 23, 2007 7:53 am
Hi Shelk
An 11 year debt management plan is not really a solution,it may be a stop gap for you.
What are your total unsecured debts,are any joint and what is the equity in your house ?

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