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Post by SilverLinings » Sun Oct 07, 2012 10:32 am
Hi Worried

Sorry for the delay Im having problems editing my profile but I have now added you to my frugal friends list so hoepfully you should have my contact details - if you want to have a chat and a good old vent x


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Post by gizmo78 » Sun Oct 07, 2012 11:04 am
I have been following this from the very outset wondering if I should comment or not, but I couldn't resist any longer. Worried I think you may have a very blinkered view on this issue. In all honesty do you believe the creditors give a monkies how you come across in the proposal? Do you believe that given that the facts stated in the proposal are correct ( as admitted by you ) you have been put in a 'bad way' This proposal isn't a PR exercise by your IP to make you look good! I personally suggest you get your head out of the clouds and realise that as an individual in a vast pool of debtors your little case is in essence nothing to the creditors.

You will no doubt disagree with everything said but this is merely an opinion, nothing more.
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Post by worried9876 » Sun Oct 07, 2012 11:11 am
Thanks all very useful comments.

I am certainly feeling allot better about the situation than last night/yesterday.

Daniel Griffiths - i certainly understand your comments but it still dosent sit well with me to not do everything i can to pay back my debt, well some of it, the frustration at this point is i'm finding it an up hill struggle to actually hand over money!!

MrsR - Your comments mirror many other people's comments on this forum that Mel's company is excellent, again may i add this is why i chose her company 3 years ago because of the great reputation it has. Why i seem to be experiencing a totally different side i am not sure, i wish i wasnt but i am.


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Post by worried9876 » Sun Oct 07, 2012 11:18 am
Silver Lining - you have mail :-)


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Post by worried9876 » Sun Oct 07, 2012 11:29 am
gizmo78 - I understand your comments and yes perhaps i care far far to my about my integrity and yes perhaps all the creditors care about is money.

How ever aside from what the creditors may think of me i do care about how i am portrayed in life in any situation and I also would like to look at bankruptcy judge in the eye (if it came to that) and be for want of a better word proud that I have done everything in my power to do everything I can.

Agreed i am just a number on a balance sheet somewhere but as i am old fashion in my ways i still believe in integrity of my character in any part of my life.

Not to say i haven't made mistakes in my life... the need for an IVA it is obvious i have!!

I guess we just have different ways of looking at life, neither one of right or wrong!


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Post by worried9876 » Sun Oct 07, 2012 11:34 am
MrsR - One last comment, i will happily forward anyone that asks my conversations with Mel's company.

To see if i have been fair in my approach, consistent and honest.

If i have been the bad guy in the situation I will take constructive criticism and would welcome any hint of a solution that may highlight.

Please keep in mind, this post/out burst, call it what you will was not written with me thinking it was one of my last resorts!!


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Post by worried9876 » Sun Oct 07, 2012 11:37 am
Sorry that should read...

Please keep in mind, this post/out burst, call it what you will. Well it was not written with out me thinking it was one of my last resorts!!


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Post by SilverLinings » Sun Oct 07, 2012 11:40 am
Hi Worried

Thanks just got it!


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Post by recovering » Sun Oct 07, 2012 11:52 am
I'm Sorry but as far as I can understand your thread.... the only opinion of you on here is what you have written? There are no facts anywhere, I have no idea what you are hoping to achieve really it's obviously all way too confused for my small brain to understand[:I]I think Mels reputation on this forum is built on peoples experience with her and her firm. no one is perfect but I for one am absolutely convinced I picked the right firm to represent me. Mel is making a living the same as the rest of us but as far as I can see is making it with integrity and with care


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Post by kev59 » Sun Oct 07, 2012 12:03 pm
font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica">quote:<hr height="1" noshade>Originally posted by worried9876


I thought it easier to start a post per problem/question.

I gave the company a dead line as I had been waiting 12 weeks for a variation meeting.

The opening line on the letter I received is.

"Please find enclosed my variation report to the creditors for your information, the contents of which you will find self-explanatory."

Hi worried,
Im going through the same as you with my meeting on the 22/10/12.
I had to stop my iva payments owing to lower paid job,have talked with mels company about.
As I have been talking with them, I have not had any notice of breech, which they could as its 4 mouths now.
have put forward a f&f offer from the sale on my flat. the letter I got is the same as yours (see above)
with a bit in it letting my creditors know that my only other option is going bankrupt, should they turn it down.
have been told its unlikely they will make be bankrupt but I could then go for it myself.

Good luck for for meeting date.
IVA now over with and it was worth it.
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Post by worried9876 » Sun Oct 07, 2012 12:03 pm
Recovering - i agree every point will get lost in this thread over time and there are no facts at present.

This is a reason i mention a website of my own, im thinking something along the lines of ""

This is not to be negative in any way just to publish facts that people can browse at there leisure.

I do not think pages and pages of posts on the forum or a blog would accurately and fairly tell the story. Given Mels reputation i do not think i will ultimately get my point across either .

But thanks for raising the point I think your the first person to grasp what i want to get from a website, a factual place not a negative one.

Not to only mention i expect it would be allot clearer for my creditors to look at. Mel's has kindly said she will supply the creditors direct contact details so at least i will feel i have put my side across as well.

I then guess we can discuss everything at the creditors meeting and that's i guess if the creditors even care about anything other than the money.

Ultimately I will feel better and at present that can only be a good thing for me and my family.


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Post by worried9876 » Sun Oct 07, 2012 12:11 pm
Kev59 - good to hear from you.

Was you given the opportunity to look over the F&F before it was submitted to creditors and comment accordingly?

Are you happy with the process to date?

Feel free to ask to message me off line if you feel it would be better for you.

Thanks for posting and best of luck to you as well.


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Post by kev59 » Sun Oct 07, 2012 12:41 pm
Yes I am happy with the process now.
(Was you given the opportunity)
this was done before the letter was sent out to me or my creditors.
there was one point I was not, over sum I could offer. which I emailed my ip about putting the reason why and ask them to put the offer of £x to my creditor. which they did.
yes my creditors could turn it down , ask for some more . which it they do, we will talk about on the day.
if you would like to ask any thing off line please ask for my email address.
Last edited by kev59 on Sun Oct 07, 2012 12:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Pandy » Sun Oct 07, 2012 1:26 pm
Are you not being a little hypocritical not wanting your creditors to think bad of you but then start a website telling the whole world about your IVA so then the whole world will realise how awful with money you were (we all are hence the reason we are in an IVA). Don't you think anyone reading it will just think stupid fool you brought it on yourself for having debts.
I doubt your creditors would even look at it, you are just a number to them, that is assuming none of your debts have been sold on.
The creditors can't think any worse of you than they already do, you took money from then and are not paying it all back, how would you feel if someone did that to you, would your opinion improve because you could see a trail of emails, mine wouldn't.
Sorry to sound blunt but it is looking like you just have a vendetta against Mel and her company, I hope I am wrong but having read the whole thread even when things are said to you, you are not taking it on board and just keep on about how you want to report Mel etc, not even trying to sort anything out, I read on here of quite a few f & f that take 4 - 6 months so your 12 week wait is quite quick.
If life is what you make it, I must have been in a strange mood when I made mine


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Post by worried9876 » Sun Oct 07, 2012 3:45 pm
Kev59 - good to hear i wish i was in the same boat.

PeeJayel - Forum members to date have told me this, please correct me if my summary is wrong, perhaps they have not said it directly but reading through the lines.

1. Mel has a great reputation so i must be the one at fault.
2. I should not care about what Mel writes about me as ultimately all the creditors care about is money.
3. I should not worry about bankruptcy as I will not lose my family home as i initially feared, thats if Mels negative report means the creditors chose that option.
4. Banks are bad and created the credit crunch so i should not care.
5. 12 weeks is a quick turn around - I have never been worried about the time what i have been worried is the total lack of advise and support. At know point in the process did i ever get the impression Mel's company wanted me to do anything other than continue the IVA, despite a number of reasons I gave why a f&f was the best option for all, well i guess I and the creditors, not Mel's company as they will make less £££. GEE WIZZ even there email address was name@debtrecovery, well along those lines, not name@melshelpfulivacompany. At know point was i given the impression they were there to do anything other than make money.
6 I should not write a statement about who i am and how i feel as this would be being a hypocrite as i created this mess so i should not have any say in the matter. How ever i should be fine about Mel writing notes to my creditors and what ever she says is fine as she has never got her self in a mess like this, also it is fair of Mel to write inaccurate information to create a negative image of me.

So basically i should let the whole thing slide and sleep easy and expect the F&F offer to go as well as it can do.

I understand what the members have told me, i think. Please correct me if i am wrong...

I just ask this? Should anyone not raise, get concerned or for that matter even get upset if someone portrays them wrongly in a negative way?

Yes i made a mistake by running up all this debt but i do not think it is hypercritical of me to try and be a better person as i learn from my experiences.

For what ever reason Mel's company has decided to portray me in an inaccurate way and I simple will not have it.

Perhaps i have failed in the past but i have done the best to remedy that and be a better person in the future.

I see this post is now exhausted as i am obviously up against and over whelming number of "Mel fans" and i simple can not get my point across.

Well thanks for your help everyone

I will now bend over.

Let mel's statement to my creditors go and be a good boy and await the out come of a potential life changing meeting that i feel very poorly represented in. I think that's what everyone wants me todo???
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