Selling the house

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Post by chardonnay » Wed May 28, 2008 7:17 pm
Dear Ian,
Thank you for your post - I don't understand Keith died before I knew anything about his debt problems - was he declared insolvent postumusly? The financial director was the one who apparently told Keith I should have the cars in my name and refused to change them when I wanted out due to worries my credit rate was suffering. His son's went through probate (I think - not really informed about this) as they had cleared the house by the time got there - they cleverly deposited his mother with me without her medication etc, which for an 83 year old was not very good. Keith had always told me I would be looked after if anything happened to him, but according to the son's there was no will - I struggle to beleive that. I've tried going to Citizens Advice for help but can not seem to get seen - the family still owe me for the death cartificates, etc and last I knew they hadn't even paid the funeral expenses. According to Kath Baines, company finance worker the company had plenty of money - God what's happening here I'm more confused and upset than ever?
Any help very gratefully accepted,


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Post by chardonnay » Wed May 28, 2008 7:27 pm
Oh Ian,
Forgot to add that records at company house have been falsified - they put down that Keith resigned before his death and he appointed his son's as directors - I know that was false, he was stilll running the company when he died and I have paper work that proves it. He ordered stationary at our new rented address in Wales and I have the origionals. I have details from company house that a friend managed to get for me. He wasn't even on speaking terms with one of the boys when he died.
Can you or anyone else help me with this? Hopefully now you will see why death is a vialbe option - I can't make head nor tail of it all - I just know I'm in a dreadful place with no light at the end of the tunnel???

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Post by Adam Davies » Wed May 28, 2008 8:22 pm
Your IP will understand the difficiultyin selling your property and should allow an extension to the time limit.For info you can declare bankruptcy at anytime,there really is more to life than money.
You need to seek legal advice regarding your partners business and I suggest the CAB.
Please keep posting on this forum,we really are happy to listen,advise and support.
Andam Davies


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Post by rockbottom » Wed May 28, 2008 8:42 pm
Hi Chardonnay

Just read your post and you are having a terrible time of it right now but it WILL get better, you mustnt think suicide is the answer, it is not, you are worth so much more and in time you will see that, so give yourself time, debt is awful but there will be a way forward for you, you are abviously still grieving for your fiancee aswell and it must feel like there is no light at the end of the tunnel, but there is, you only have to read the sucess stories on here and one day that will be you aswell.

please take care and keep posting there is always someone here to be your shoulder to cry on, you are not alone.

rb (or should i say weightwatchers rose)


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Post by Skippy » Wed May 28, 2008 9:10 pm
Hi Chardonnay, I've just read your post and like the others I want to say please don't think of suicide - your life is worth so much more than money. You've had a terrible time but you can get through it. Please tell your doctor everything so that they can help you.

If you have any problems with your IP, it might be worth you contacting Paul Johns who posts as Reviva UK (his details are in the experts section) as he is able to negotiate with IPs or trustees in BR.

Please keep posting, there is always someone around to listen and support you x


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Post by Lisa2009 » Wed May 28, 2008 10:16 pm
Hi, i just wanted to say, your life is far more important than you may think at the minute.

Seek proffessional advice and try to gain back some of what you have lost.
Your fiance would be ashamed if he were here to see the way you are being treated.
Go to your doctor, get some medication and seek help with your head held high. Afterall, you are not at fault here, just the victim of a terrible series of events.

Best wishes to you xxxxx 'Our Story'

Nil carborundum illegitimi


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Post by scooby0 » Wed May 28, 2008 10:31 pm
Hello Chardonnay

Just to say I reiterate what the others have put on here to you - that your life is precious you will get better. Take one day at a time, tomorrow when you see your doctor will be the start of your new the moment you cannot see anyway out, but believe me I've been where you are but once I had been to see my doctor and explained everything - even just pouring my heart out to her - life seemed that little bit better. Do your family or friends know how you are feeling?
You have made a start by posting on here - you should feel proud of yourself with this first step. You said yourself that this site has already helped as you can see there are others in a similar position to you. There is always someone on here to listen to you....Remember You are not alone - take care and good luck to you xxx

Kazzy E

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Post by Kazzy E » Wed May 28, 2008 10:48 pm
Hi Chardonnay. I am really sorry to hear of your sad loss. Bless you, you really have been through the mill. In our own way, we have all reached the depths of despair which is why we signed up to this forum, and that is why we draw so much encouragement and support from one another. Please feel free to use it to get you through this traumatic time in your life. Try to book a longer appointment with your Dr, as my doc only ever has 5 minute appointments and you cannot discuss your troubles in that time. You will feel much better when you have spoken to him/her. Just by sharing your thoughts, I am sure you will soon begin to feel that there is light at the end of the tunnel and these crumbling thoughts that you are having right now will slowly subside. Keep posting any questions here, there is always someone here to listen, if only to be a shoulder with no advice. Hope you have a restful night. Will check your post tomorrow to see you are alright. Take Care Kazzy x
There is light at the end of that dark tunnel. Promise.

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Post by cath79 » Wed May 28, 2008 11:21 pm

I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your partner and the problems you've been having with his debt. Like the others have said there's more to life than money, although i know how stressful it can be trying to get out of debt (we're in the process of sorting an IVA out). Just try and take each day at a time.
Take care and i hope you get some help sorting everything out soon



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Post by chardonnay » Thu May 29, 2008 8:49 am
Hi Everyone and many thanks for your encouragement and support. I'm going to the CAB today - just got to hope I can see someone - I've been turned away twice as they were too busy!!
Wish me luck,


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Post by Julie » Thu May 29, 2008 9:33 am
Morning Chardonnay - glad you're going to CAB. Insist they see you! Still make contact with your IP though and take the other advice posted on here.

Can I ask what part of the country your in - maybe someone will know of local support for you?

Thinking of you x


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Post by Skippy » Thu May 29, 2008 9:36 am
Good luck with the CAB - let us know how you get on x


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Post by ianmillington » Thu May 29, 2008 9:46 am
Hi, sorry I wasn't able to reply last night. I'm in the process of helping my mum move which so far has taken up a great deal of time!

If someone's assets are found to be less than their debts after they have died, the executor cannot simply ignore this and pay the family - if he cannot deal with the creditors informally he should apply for an order under the Administration of Insolvent Estates of Deceased Persons Order 1986 which is basically a Bankruptcy for someone who has died. The waters have been muddied to some extent by the reference to a limited company and so where the liabilities lie i.e who owes what to whom may be difficult to determine.

Does your IVA take account of all the debts to which you are liable, including those due on the cars? What does the accountant mean when saying the cars are "in your name" which can mean different things? As I asked in my earlier post, has your IVA actually been approved?

I can totally understand your confusion about the situation about the situation you are in. There are lots of questions in my mind, that really will never be answered by discussion on this forum as the answers will only be disclosed by examination of the paperwork. You have a complex situation here, and I am firmly of the view that an hour sat down with an expert will allow you to identify those issues that matter and see some light at the end of that tunnel.

Many Insolvency Practitioners and Insolvency Lawyers will give an hour of their time freely to discuss matters such as this. Whilst I am the first to praise the sterling work that the CAB do I suspect that a CAB advisor may be too generalist to get to the nitty-gritty here and would probably recommend advice from an IP or lawyer anyway.

Where do you live?
Ian Millington
Insolvency Director
PDHL Ltd (formerly Personal Debt Helpline Ltd)


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Post by chardonnay » Thu May 29, 2008 2:16 pm
Hi Ian & All,
I'm currently renting in Cardiff and when the lease is up (and that of my house tenants I will move back to Bristol in August - before if I can but haven't worked out the detail on that as I will need my deposit from here back, especially when I have to rent in Bristol post house sale)
My IVA was agreed - it seems to have gone through on the day of the creditors meeting - I presume that's normal.
The CAB were lovely and it was good to be able to talk to someone - the stress of hiding a debt problem id dreadful as you all know!! Basically the problems with the car may be sorted - the suggestion is I don't pay this month and get the smaller car on offer from another company - I will use the £611 mercedes payment towards the deposit and hope my sister wil help with the rest. This way if Mercedes want to repossess the vechile they can. My only other option is to borrow all the deposit from my sister (if she can afford it) and write to Merc asking for Voluntary surrender - what ever I do Mercedes will charge me and that I presume will be enough to tip me in Bankruptcy.
I can't tell you all how grateful I am for all your help, I've felt so isolated and lonely - even the guy I was dating dumped me when I admitted I had debt problems. I don't know anyone here in Cardiff and spend each evening and weekend without talking to another human unless someone phones, so this site has given me a sense of belonging and friendship - Thanks everyone.
Any thoughts on the car or anything else will be gratefully accepted.


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Post by Viki.W » Thu May 29, 2008 2:46 pm
Hey Chardonnay, I really hope you start to feel a little better soon, I think you should take Ian's advice and seek help from an insolvency lawyer. Maybe Ian might know someone in your area. You need a professional fighting for you. Please wait for Ian's reply. We're here for you. Viki X
If you would like to talk to me about your debt problems, please visit:
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