Pay rise

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Post by Ally » Fri Nov 16, 2007 7:10 pm
Hi i wonder if anyone can help. I am 4 months into an iva and due to my job the authority i work for offers a one of payment once i have completed my degree course ( i have been granted day release for last 3 years). The authority does this for all youth workers. this one of payment is supposed to pay student fees and includes money left over). I qualified in july 2007 but there has been a union dispute- which has now been resolved. I have not recieved any monies yet but a colleague recieved hers today in the sum of £5000. My iva states 50% of bonus / commission. I know i will not be allowed to keep most of it but does anyboby think my IP will be flexable as we are currently on a fixed mortgage which runs out in feb 08. Also we have a very old car which may not last the lenghth of iva (we just had to scrape £500 from family to get it back on the road again). I have not contacted my ip yet as i have no actual sum.
Sorry for so much information has anybody got any info or advice
thanks [:)]

a jenkins
a jenkins

Adam Davies

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Post by Adam Davies » Fri Nov 16, 2007 7:21 pm
Hi Ally
Only your IP will be able to give you a difinitive answer but if you put accross your case in a positive and fair way then you may be surprised at how accommodating your IP may be.

Andy Davie Spokesperson

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Post by Ally » Fri Nov 16, 2007 7:30 pm
thanks andy for the speedy response. i will hang on until it arrives next month and give my ip a ring. Just a quick query since my iva started i have tried to contact my ip but each time i am not able to talk to them direct and have to speak to an advisor. I have been working some overtime and have been trying to ensure i pay over what is needed. I have read my iva and can only find 50% commision and bonus and all windfal (but no overtime) so far i have been puttin aside money as i dont want a big bill in annual review. Each time i speak to an advisor they want to know how much exta i am going to pay but when i explain that i dont know we seem to hit a brick wall. Do i just need to insist on talking to ip or send stuff in writing. Any suggestions [:)]

a jenkins
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Post by OPTIMIST12 » Fri Nov 16, 2007 7:55 pm
It seems really odd that you cant get an answer to your Overtime query. It is pretty standard that people pay 50% of Overtime money into their IVA - but maybe your particular proposal or modifications specified something different??

I think you are definitely doing the right thing in putting all the money aside until you have resolved this. I am one of the "50%ers" and send my extra Overtime contribution in by cheque each month without fail. It gives you peace of mind and avoids the risk of an arrears bill come annual review time.
47 months completed - 13 months to go.

Adam Davies

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Post by Adam Davies » Fri Nov 16, 2007 8:39 pm
You are correct in putting 50% by but not all IVAs have this clause.
Drop a letter to your IP stating that you can see no reference to overtime in your proposal and can he/she just confirm this.
Once ou get the answer in writing you will know what to do.
Sounds as if you are with a large IVA provider

Andy Davie Spokesperson

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IVA Helpline: 0800 197 4838
Andam Davies
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