Where's the Education?

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Post by johnt » Tue Oct 30, 2007 9:38 am
I've just watched the studant interviews on the IVA-TV page.

I wouldn't expect many to know what high interest or compound interest meant to them, but almost 100% knew little or nothing of either.

These yongsters will be lured by the promise of thousands of pounds of cash straight into there young hands within months of them being interviewed.

Of course we know that it's in the banking and credit industry's interest to keep people ignorant of these issues, after all why only charge five or 10 percent per anum compound when you can charge fifteen, twenty, or thirty!

Assuming the above to be true, then why should any government be concerned about educating young people about these issues. You see the connection I'm making here. Britain is still struggling out of it's class ridden past. The rich and powerfull keeping the masses uneducated and ignorant of what's best for them.

Perhaps I'm being a little paronoid. I do know we HAVE to spare our young people from this dreadfull ignorance.
Last edited by johnt on Tue Oct 30, 2007 9:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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